clarity | vitality | frequency
Within my own practice, and in serving as an energetic practitioner and teacher, I am most concerned with helping each person understand their energetic bodies as applied to their physical body. This includes utilizing varied tools of energy flow/frequency, homeopathy, anatomy, astronomy/astrology, traditional techniques, and more, to honor each person to the point of individuation; creating a more complete picture of an individual's path toward health for personal, holistic, care and direction.
I consider myself first and foremost a teacher. Yet as a teacher, we understand that we are endlessly learning. I have spent the last decade deeply immersing myself in my own practices and healing modalities; from western medicine, to traditional and Eastern medicine, to realms which are far lesser known--but more incredible and vast. I have thoughtfully studied, synthesized, reverenced, and applied; with a great respect and appreciation for the human system and its interaction with and within all systems, and all beings.
I have cultivated an approach that does not use a singular method nor lens, but is open to honoring everything--all at once. It is all on the table: the interconnectedness of the perfect, timeless dance that we are each in tandem with. If we commit to honoring the cycles, the swings, the waves--ebbs and flows--we can more freely and authentically grow, steadying and balancing ourselves amidst cosmic tides, while on here earth.
So it is. How perfect.

I have spent over a decade studying subtle energies as applied to health. Prior to my work as an holistic medicine energetic practitioner, I have worked as a writer and a teacher. As a lifetime academic, my interests center around learning about, and respecting, energies and forces beyond us as a way to guide us within the world, and ultimately toward a higher-self. I firmly believe that there is a balance between the universe and existence, and that in honoring that balance, to our own individuation, we can have more clarity, peace, and health.
I began this path more reluctantly than most, but with honest reflection and consideration, I have learned to truly tap into the innate power within, and around each of us. I am, as a result, committed to being an ongoing student; studying both the physical and the energetic, while utilizing a holistic integrative approach to health, and in the process, hopefully teach those whom I have the privilege of helping how to benefit from such energies to serve a larger balance within themselves, too.